On this week's episode of Godsplaining, Fr. Bonaventure and Fr. Gregory discuss the topic of giving money to the poor, how to navigate interacting with the poor, discuss poverty, the pressures of society, graditude, the State's responsibility, the Christian perspective, and more.
What is the relationship, or lack of relationship between faith and mental health? In this episode of Godsplaining, Fr. Jacob-Bertrand and Fr. Gregory discuss body and soul, the Human person, obstacles, rightly ordering your sufferings, seeking out help, pursuit of Christ, how to be happy, healthy, and holy, and much more.
On this bonus episode of Godsplaining, Fr. Gregory and Fr. Joseph-Anthony visit the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska, to discuss the contemplative, Christian life. How do I live my Christian life? How should I seek God? What are some principles of the spiritual, Christian life, and when do I start living it? Tune in to this bonus episode to learn more about using your gift of grace, the virtue of prudence and accountability, recognizing your uniqueness, sports and discipline, and much more!
On this bonus episode of Godsplaining, Fr. Jacob-Bertrand and Fr. Gregory visit the University of Mary in Bismark, ND and discuss vocations, the human formation, discernment and dating, as well as answer questions from the UMary students. Not sure what to do with your life? Unsure of where God is calling you to be? Check out this episode, and allow Fr. Jacob-Bertrand and Fr. Gregory guide you!
If you're haunted by your sinful past, you're not alone. It's part of the human experience to feel regret. But do you still feel manipulated by your past? Are you hoping to finally heal? Can you reforge your bad memories? On this episode of Godsplaining, Fr. Joseph-Anthony and Fr. Jacob-Bertrand discuss redeeming your memory and healing from your past. Remember: we all have a past... but we also have a future!
These days, is it necessary to get a higher education? Is it worth it? On this week's episode of Godsplaining, University Chaplain Fr. Joseph-Anthony Kress and University Professor Fr. Bonaventure Chapman answer these questions and more! Topics include future college enrollment, alternatives to college, the culture of resistance found on university campuses, the overall goal of college, the social element it brings, etc. If you're on the fence about whether or not to attend college, this week's episode will give you some pointers to think about!
What are some characteristics of a great Catholic leader? According to Fr. Gregory and Fr. Joseph-Anthony, some of the essential virtues are faith, prudence, vulnerability, hope, charity, and MORE! By reflecting these virtues and those demonstrated by the saints, we can be lead closer to God.
What exactly is friendship? Is there more to friendship than we think? On this week's episode, Fr. Jacob Bertrand and Fr. Gregory discuss exactly what friendship is, how each others' relationship goals much align, how to determine expectations, the different types of friendships, how to maintain them, and much more.
It's not only drugs, alcohol, or pornography that we may be addicted to... it may also be our phones, social media, and others' opinions... Are you addicted? On this week's episode, Fr. Joseph-Anthony and Fr. Gregory discuss all things addiction, such as dependency vs. independency, ordering your life for good, dependency vs. attachment, how daily routines and rituals are a good thing, different types of addiction, reliance on our Lord, and even steps in overcoming addiction. If you or someone you know desires freedom from addiction, consider the 12-Step Program and Catholics in Recovery: https://catholicinrecovery.com/
Is chastity just about things you can't do? What are the positives of living a chaste lifestyle? What can John Paul II teach us about chastity? Join us for this week's episode of Godsplaining with Fr. Joseph-Anthony Kress & Fr. Bonaventure Chapman as they discuss chastity and answer these questions and more!
Join us for this week's episode of Godsplaining with Frs. Gregory Pine and Jacob Bertrand Janczyk as they discuss ignorance as it pertains to each of us.
Join us for this week's episode of Godsplaining with Frs. Jacob-Bertrand Janczyk and Bonaventure Chapman as they discuss over-spiritualization.
Join us this week as Fr. Gregory Pine and Fr. Bonaventure Chapman discuss the deadly sin of gluttony.